Apple focuses on profit, while PC and laptop makers have traditionally found success in volume sales and lower-cost laptops and desktop replacements. 苹果主要关注利润,而PC和笔记本电脑制造商一向习惯以量取胜,靠低成本的笔记本和台式电脑打天下。
That means it will not only display the high levels of craftsmanship that Chinese customers demand, it will also benefit from the richer profit margins that come from higher production volume. 言外之意是,这款车不仅具备了能满足中国客户需求的高水平的生产工艺,而且大规模生产也必将产生更为丰厚的利润。
Cyberia Trader-is an advanced expert advisor for taking profit on the big volume and low volatility trending market. 适合大交易量,低流动性(就是慢慢走的市场)趋势不明显的时候。
A profit center is any responsibility center responsible for profit, thus responsible for revenue, cost, production, and sales volume. 利润中心是指对利润负责的责任中心,就是说,对收入、成本、产量和销量负责的责任中心。
The two break-even charts mentioned above do not highlight the profit or loss at different volume levels. 上述两种均衡图均未突出表示在各种业务水平下的损益。
Citigroup notes that while sector operating profit grew by 310 per cent between 2002 and 2010 as metal prices rose, sales volume growth contributed only 46 per cent of this. 花旗集团(Citigroup)注意到,虽然在2002年到2010年间,整个行业的营业利润随着金属价格的上涨增长了310%,但销售量增长只贡献了其中的46%。
The increase in revenue and pre-tax profit was attributed to higher sales volume and cigarette prices, it said in a statement. 日本烟草国际公司在一份声明中说,公司的总收入与税前利润取得增长,是因为销量增长与卷烟价格上涨所致。
That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit. This volume is foxed on the flyleaf. 好书开卷引人入胜,终卷使人获益。这卷书的空白页发黄了。
On the Check and Balance of the Peasants Profit System in the First Thirty Years of New China; Discussion of equilibrium relations for chemical reactions in perfect gases at constant temperature and volume 论建国后30年农民利益获得机制的制衡与失衡等温、等容化学反应平衡时平衡关系的讨论
The total tax and profit payment will go up to RMB 26 billion yuan, 13% higher, and the export volume will be 28 billion USD, up 3%. 利税总额达到260亿元,增长13%;出口额达到280亿美元,增长3%。
Any consequent profit margin compression has been offset by volume gains. 销量的增长弥补了手机降价给利润率带来的压力。
It is not of profit for volume use of resin coated sand in hotbox coremaking that the former has been developed for shell core and mold. 为造壳芯与壳型发展的树脂覆膜砂大量用作热芯盒造芯材料是不经济的。
Gross profit value of the polymer floods augments with the augment in the slug volume, then inclines to decrease after a given value; 企业总利润开始随着聚合物段塞的增大而增加,但段塞增大到一定值后,企业总利润开始下降;
The volume grass grain manifests the tradition design concept is the modern design may profit from, is clear about the volume grass grain the role and the significance which acts in our country traditional culture, as well as to the cultural inheritance is necessary. 卷草纹所体现的传统设计思想是现代设计可以借鉴的,明确卷草纹在我国传统文化中所扮演的角色和意义,以及对文化的传承是必要的。
Supermarket profit level is closely related to its sales volume which is affected by many factors, such as customer satisfaction. 超市的营利水平与其销售量息息相关,然而如何提高销售量却受诸多因素影响。
This 3D model can also profit to the calculation of surface area, volume and other physics factors like that. 这个三维立体模型也可以很好的实现对目标地物表面积、体积等物理参数的计算以及修复工程规划等。
The management disbursement has the profit in the major part year, but the profit volume is not high. 经营支出在绝大部分年份都有盈利,但盈利额不高。